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I would like to welcome you, inside my own, twisted wonderland. I am still that mysterious pessimist who roams the streets in black--it's just, right now, Im accompanied by my fangirled self and is completely and utterly clueless on reality right now. Beginning, as you ponder on as to why my whole layout is pink right now, and why im blue in my picture--I would be in my room squeeing on the fact that I have read fanfics of pure fluff and smut. Good Day.


i'm in gryffindor!Sam.Sammerzsammie.1314. Opened her eyes for the first time last April 9.P!NK.Am Worth $1,658,230.Insects. Catholic. Life. Green Day.MCR. Hilary Duff. Twisted 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Jessica Zafra. HARRY POTTER.School.Science. Dandelions .Digital Art. Webmistress. Pumpkin PieJournalism. Literature. Sleeping. Pen + Parchment= <3 .J.K Rowling.FANFICTION 90's Child. ZOMGFANGIRLSQUEEISHMEHARRYPOTTERISTEHAWESOME!, music=<3, Harry/Hermione Aries. Obsessive-Compulsive.



P!NKies Online
DATE:2007 March 11th
TIME: 12:30 pm
WEATHER: Same as usual
DOING: Common Sense is needed, please.
WEARING: nothing...HAHA. you sick pervert! Of course im wearing something!
LISTENING TO: "This Aint a Scene, It's an Arms Race" by Fall Out Boy
FOOD: None.
WEB: Deviantart
QUESTION FOR THE DAY: " will you ever turn your layout pink? , er...obvious much?.


Im not a murderer...im an artist.



;;My 1st Fanfiction ("The Outburst")
;;2nd Fanfiction ("Path Unfolded")
;;3rd ("Fake")
;;4th ("Illusion")
;;5th ("Harry Potter and the Urges to Tinkle")
;;6th ("A White Rose on a Black Carpet")


Layout by: Me!! ;x; ;x;
If I forgot anyone who deserved credit-Please tell me by CBOX. Thank you.
Monday, April 23, 2007

Why is everyone such a bitch?

Do they just love to insult people, and sink to such a puny, insignificant level? Why do they love hurting people? They just love leaving them in a pit of misery and jealousy, dont they? Then, they turn their backs on you and they LEAVE. THEY JUST FUCKING LEAVE!


...they love leaving me in tears.

...They love slamming the door on my face.

...they love to hate.

Sincerity shattered last 12:33 AM

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Today, one-four takes it's place in my life. Yep, today's the day I get screwed for the rest of my life.

My Birthday.

Ah, yes. Screw puberty. I am fully aware that I am now starting to transform into this whole different person and soon enough, I'll be an old fart with 24 cats. It's a nice life, really.

But it has been a great morning. I started off with a DVD spree (the new spring of my new obsession, One Tree Hill). To top it all off, I am now experiencing a great breakfast which consists of chocolate chip cookies, milk, and spaghetti.

Yeah, it's going to be the best day of my life because frankly, it's the only best day im going to have from now on.

I mean, come on. By the age of 20, a baboon would look prettier than me.

*le sigh*

Sincerity shattered last 5:46 PM

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I am stuck between two choices.

I couldnt really make up my mind (quite unusual of me because im mostly a very decisive person). It's either to shut this thing down and just stick with my LJ, or to keep this in tact. I know, I know. Me and this journal have been through a lot...entries, rants...It just feels so wrong to throw it away.

But then, there's my wonderful LJ that can provide everything!

Ergh. Well...LittlePinkBook has been on the running for the past 2 years now...

I need your help. Tag me. Stay or stray?


Sincerity shattered last 11:06 PM

Holy week has seeped it's way into the country and everyone is either at mass or at home praying. It's been a very solemn week for me, and everything just keeps getting better. I, the total geek-a-loid herself, has finally earned a new computer (which I am using now). It's just incredibly unbelievable. 3 giga hertz, a hybrid between windows XP and vista-plus! A very cool dock for my shortcuts (it goes 'zoom zoom zoom' all the time...I sound like a freak, I know). Whipee.

I do not intend to make any jokes because, well, it's holy week. I might as well give respect. So, instead of that, I am here to advertise. Advertise.

..and...er...maybe pre-link you to the topic of my ADVERTISMENT.

I, geek-a-loid, have an LJ (le gasp! er...it's named that way.) It's my graphic journal, basically. So...if you would want to waste your time on some useless tom-foolery, click this link ZIPADEEDOODA, which will magically (woooow....) lead you to the said 'icon journal'.

Any more? I seemingly forgot what to say.

Oh. George Bush parties with a sweater made by his momma. MOMMA.

A sweater!

All I could really say is that is just idiotic...

and what the F*CK.


Sincerity shattered last 12:37 AM

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Through staggered readings of HPatOotP, and devoting my whole Friday to it, I have finally reached it's end and am now in a state of shock and amusement. That surge of jealousy (ahemslitsforeyesCHOahem) I just read through clearly made my OTP shine--and, that Harry is a cocky bastard.

Well...turned into one.

His angst is understandable, being the boy-who-barely-made-it-alive. Yes, barely-him being possessed by a guy with swelling eyes and slits for nostrils. By the way, he has to die to kill the enemy.

Aint that just jolly good?

James Potter is mean. MEAN. MEANMEANMEAN. Who does he think he is, flippin over my baby-snapey-poo? He is SOOO going to get it. (*gets ax*)

Then again, I still love him. ^_^;;

Cho, on the other hand, is a cry baby. Have you noticed that each scene she appears in, tears are bound to fall?

("I didnt see the snitch under my nose. *cry*", "You're seeing Hermione? *cry*", "I farted *cry*")

Okay...so the last one was a bit...improvised. Well, not really. She's asian. Im asian. And I know a lot of our kind that farts a whole lot (just after devouring those Jasmine Rice grains O-o) Ergh. Anger is bellowing out of me right now. She just...cries. A lot.

A whole, bloody fuggin lot.

Anywho, I am not going to waste my finger-workout on rambling about some Asian with impeccably shiny hair. (rolls eyes)

Im here to tell you that I have finally started drawing! (Yes...stick drawing! *rolls eyes*) I meant, serious drawing you fuggin idiot. I've been producing some good art works and in just a few...months-I would have a tablet in front of me and my Deviantart on 24/7. (*daydreams*)

Holy week also, officially, started. (YAY! o^_^o)

Oh...and I got the OotP shots! w00t! (bragbrag)...PLUS, I've seen the book cover for HPatDH!

It's been a splendid day.

Sincerity shattered last 5:02 AM

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Screw low memory and my crappy video card.

For the past weeks, I have been deprived of a decent screen (having that crappy and irreversible 16 bit, 680xwhatever screen resolution). Damn this. All I see are thresholded program skins, gray faces, and dotted flesh.

It's repulsive.

Besides all this, it takes 10 minutes to highlight a single word due to the fact that my computer's as old as Moses. (>.<;;) My dad has been searching for a decent computer-although, everyone seems to look like money these days. A single CPU costs as much as 16k (exclude the monitor, the mouse, the keyboard, the scanner, the printer, and my graphic pen). Well, I guess mariaconchitaconcueljajuanitamelchita is dying on it's feet. It even plays The Beatles involuntarily (specifically O-bla-di O-bla-da). Kind of scares me half to death...

Hmmm. Suddenly, I have this urge to get the pliers...

Sincerity shattered last 12:47 AM

Monday, March 26, 2007

Seeing as though I have finally past the boundaries of Grade School (I graduated. Big shocker), I am now legally of age to plan how I would dominate the earth. I dedicate this whole post solely on that.

I call it: Operation VOOM.

Phase 1: I shall collect each trace of dung left around and place it neatly inside a Zippo bag, where i would preserve it in my freezer until rock hard. As this goes, I shall make a mixture of Britney Spear's left-over artificially colored hair, Angelina Jolie's upper lip, Winnie the Pooh himself, and sugar. (I call it...the Spearoliepooh mixture.)

Phase 1.1: Take out rock hard dung and slowly crush with the previously made mixture, where it would give that impression of Oreo bits.

Phase 1.2: Bake, and finally-we have a well rounded piece of trash that can be mistaken as a cookie.

Phase 2: Dash in vanilla perfume, to give out that vanilla-ie scent (yum.)

Phase 3: Sell, where else, but Greenhills-where people are stupid enough to buy in those little stores in the middle.

--Now, as this happens, a virus would be spread-causing people to suffer by extreme balding, extreme lip expandage or cuddliness. All of which will affect their communicative skills and all of which will bring fourth to them a horrid, foul breath that could kill an army on ants. With this, I shall throw all the fly-infested bodies into the sewers, where they would be forced to live as rats by day and moss by night (costume included).

One this has happened, I would dump a gallon of Neo Aspilets onto the oceans, where this would dissolve and turn our seas into a gay pride fest. Here, all the gay rats shall gather and infect everything as they booze out and dance to 'Papa Loves Mambo'.

Then, I would kidnap George W. Bush's teddy bear named Fussy and feed it to piranas. Then, being the gullible person he is, he would give me the ransom without me giving back Fussy. With the money, I would buy a lifetime's supply of M&Ms, which I would indulge on as I watch the people fart uncontrollably until all the air is sucked out of them, due to the fact that i have infested their drinks with such poison.

Until then would I kill all signs of Barbie Dolls and replace them with Harry Potter figurines.

Life would be sweet.

If only it were real...*sigh*

Sincerity shattered last 3:16 AM

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Finally! whatever

A new layout=<3 style="width: 15px; height: 12px;" class="emoticon" src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v126/fashionxoxocutie/eyehearts.gif" alt="inlove" title="inlove"> Im in-love with it right now. Just disregard my blue face for a moment and read up! bleah

(a) The Dramafest

-Ah, yes. Give me time to reminisce on the nerve-racking dramafest. Where everyone looked like croos-dressing freaks and where people could look like demons for 4 whole hours (I know...my co-actor looked like one Shocked She looked so scary). It was a good play, and im glad that people actually felt it. People cried for goodness sake (even though I found it quite hilarious, knowing that my adviser cried as well dead). It was a good day for us--im really proud for all of us. We did our very best.

(b) The Parent-Daughter Recollection

-Ah, the fluff. <3333

(c) The Graduation -- which is yet to come.

-we have been through hell for the past weeks, raising our voices and trying our best not to choke on our own saliva. Song practice is terrible-the blending, the dividing ( but I have to admit, the results are quite interestingHappy). Grad's this Saturday, just after the Mass--I am so excited. HONORABLE MENTION, w00t! Happy Happy Happy MEbigsmile!

That's all the frivolousness I have right now--enjoy the remains of your life and have a great day--cause tomorrow aint gonna be a pretty one.

Sincerity shattered last 4:34 AM